Rushway Delivery Service provides state-of-the art internet communications and data retrieval capabilities for its customers.  Visit our web site at 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to review your proof of delivery (POD) data or freight bill information.

Internet Capabilities

Easy Access

Access to the Rushway Delivery Service systems is as easy as logging onto our website , or, better yet, bookmark our site for instant access anytime, day or night.

Choice of Search Criteria

For automated Proof of Delivery service, at our web site go to our Internet Services page and click on the ‘POD‘ button.  Enter your name and security password (provided to you by Rushway to protect your information), and select the method of data retrieval you would like to use, i.e., a ‘specific bill‘ search, ‘all bills from yesterday‘ search, ‘all bills for today‘ search, ‘all bills for a specified date‘ search, or, ‘all bills for a specified date range‘ search.  You may even locate bills with your particular reference number if you wish.  Simply point and click on your option and your information will be instantly displayed.

Detailed Data

P.O.D. information is displayed in easy to read format, showing consignee, date delivered, time delivered and signature for each bill shown.   Additionally, more detailed information may be requested for any bill displayed simply by clicking on the ‘Detail’ option for the bill in question.  The detail for that bill will be displayed, including ship date, shipper information, reference, quantities, weight, service descriptions, and all charges. Already a Rushway Delivery Service customer?  Why not try out our Internet P.O.D. services right now…just click on the “POD” button below…


Rushway Delivery Service realizes timely access to information is critical to your company and uses state-of-the-art computer systems to manage its operations, track each and every shipment, and provide you with accurate, timely information around the clock.  We’re working hard to provide you with the best, most reliable services available anywhere.  Please let us know how we’re doing, and how we can better serve you.  Thank you visiting our site….and come back soon!